Sexual violence can happen anywhere..
What is Sexual Violence?
Sexual violence is an umbrella term to describe sexual acts, attempts to obtain a sexual act by violence or coercion, acts to traffic a person or acts directed against a person's sexuality, regardless of the relationship to the victim. Sexual violence can happen to children, teens, adults, and elders. Those who perpetuate this crime can be family members, trusted individuals, acquaintances, and/or strangers.
Types of Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is not one dimensional. There are many forms of sexual violence which include but are not limited to:
Child sexual assault and incest
Rape or sexual assault
Intimate partner sexual assault
Unwanted sexual contact/touching
Sexual exploitation
Sexual harassment
Showing one’s genitals or naked body to other(s) without consent
Masturbating in public
Watching someone in a private act without their knowledge or permission
1 in 10
is the number of men that are sexual assault survivors.
7 out of 10
rapes are committed by someone known to the victim.
of perpetrators never see the inside of a jail cell.
Long-Lasting Effects
Any type of trauma can leave long-lasting effects, but individuals who experience this type of trauma may have psychological, physical, and/or emotional effects. They can include but are not limited to:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD)
Panic Attacks
Substance Abuse
Sleep Disorders
Suicidal Ideation